Much of what we do at BlueSkies involves refocusing the mind and spirit. We believe this is important in light of the fact that one’s thoughts and emotions play an important role in determining whether a recovering addict will relapse. When thoughts and emotions can be channelled in a positive direction, clients are more likely to succeed in the long term. Local walks and sightseeing are two of the tools we use in this endeavour.
BlueSkies is located in the Surrey town of Farnham. This delightful little town is just over 34 miles south-west of London, near the county’s border with Hampshire. It is a historic town that offers an abundance of opportunities for relaxing walks and sightseeing adventures.
Our clients are invited to participate in walking and sightseeing events as part of their recovery therapy. Events are organised and led by facility staff in order to achieve maximum benefit and prevent incidences that could inhibit or set back treatment. It has been our experience that the strategic use of walking and sightseeing can be very beneficial to addiction recovery.
Farnham is a small town with a population just under 40,000. This makes it the perfect place for a leisurely stroll along quaint streets lined with shops, boutiques, and restaurants. The town’s many neighbourhoods are also conducive to relaxing walks as a group. Just getting out into the fresh air and getting some exercise together can enhance the group dynamic and lead to more effective therapy.
We utilise local walks for two primary reasons. First, walking is considered a low impact exercise with significant health benefits. Walking may be the only exercise a client uses in his or her physical fitness programme or it might be combined with work in a gym. Our second reason for utilising local walks has to do with its mental and emotional benefits.
For reasons that science has not yet explained, taking a leisurely stroll seems to help people clear their minds, reorganise their thoughts and focus more clearly. This is why it is so common to see individuals walking along the river or taking a stroll in the park. What helps to clear the mind of the average person is just as effective for those in the midst of alcohol or drug addiction treatment.
In addition to plenty of neighbourhoods to walk through, Farnham also has an abundance of cultural and historical sites we like to take clients to. Sightseeing tours give clients something positive to look forward to outside of the regimen of daily treatment. Some even see it as a reward, motivating them to do the best they can during treatment.
An important benefit to sightseeing opportunities is one of helping clients to understand they can live very fulfilling lives outside of substance abuse and addiction. Learning this lesson is essential to long-term recovery. Why? Because drug and alcohol users typically blame problems as the driving force behind addictive behaviour when, in reality, it is just the opposite. Their addictive behaviours are at the root of most of their problems.
Getting out and enjoying a little bit of sightseeing helps those in recovery see the world they left behind when they began using. It reminds them that life can be good after treatment, even in the absence of drugs or alcohol. This is a great eye opener and a very useful motivational tool.
BlueSkies continually strives for total well-being and wholeness among our clients. Our use of local walks and sightseeing opportunities is an important part of achieving those goals.